Famous American band produces groundbreaking album on Vedas

Hindu leader Rajan ZedWashington, Aug. 30 : The only Sanskrit rock band of the world, "Shanti Shanti", has come up with a groundbreaking new album on the oldest scripture of the world Vedas, and presented the first copy to Hindu leader Rajan Zed in Nevada.

This CD titled "Veda", produced by Ganesha Publishing BMI, contains shlokas (hymns) from all four Vedas—Rig-veda, Sama-veda, Atharva-veda, and Yajur-veda, some as old as 1,500 BC.

With extensive research and selection process, it took one year to complete this CD, which is their sixth album.

"Shanti Shanti" consists of American sisters Andrea Devi Forman and Sara Anjuli Forman, their younger brother Micah Mahdev Forman and father Robert Henry Forman.

The Formans have never been to India, never had a Sanskrit teacher, and still Andrea and Sara can spontaneously chant, read, write, and translate Sanskrit since they were nine and seven years old respectively.

Devoted Catholics, Andrea and Sara have also translated and chanted Ave Maria, a traditional Christian prayer, in Sanskrit. They have toured various countries and various states of USA giving packed Sanskrit musical performances. They have been in various television shows, mentioned in various publications, and extensively written about. (ANI)
