DNA traps rapist of Hong Kong schoolgirl a decade later

DNA traps rapist of Hong Kong schoolgirl a decade later Hong Kong  - A rapist was Tuesday beginning a 10-year jail term in Hong Kong after being traced by his DNA nearly a decade after attacking a 13-year-old schoolgirl.

Truck driver Chung Chi-wing, 30, posed as a policeman to lure his young victim to a parked van and violently rape her as she walked home from school on an afternoon in November 1999.

He was only identified as the attacker when a police officer found a match between DNA in the semen found in the victim and a DNA sample taken from Chung when he was arrested for car theft in 2001.

Chung, a father of two, was arrested in June last year and charged with rape even though his victim, now aged 22, could not pick him out at an identity parade.

He was convicted of rape on the DNA evidence and sentenced to 10 years in prison in the High Court at a hearing Monday where judge Peter Line said Chung deserved "no sympathy." dpa
