Dicaprio’s Bathroom Mob
Recently, the Titanic actor, Leonardo DiCaprio was allegedly accosted by a bunch of fans in, of all places, the toilet! This incident happened during a new soccer match.
The actor was recently at the World Cup in South Africa. He was watching the quarter final game held between Brazil and Holland and later decided to take a quick loo break. He however never anticipated that, he had to be rescued right after his stall was rushed by a large number of by men and women, all desperate to catch a sight of him. These `fans' were desperate to see him do his `task' in the bathroom.
According to a particular source, the Inception actor wanted to go unnoticed. In order to do this, he disguised himself in dark sunglasses and donned a baseball cap and then quietly slipped into a stall in the stadium's men's loo.
However, without any warning, the stall that he got in began to shake which instantly and quite naturally freaked the day light out of him.
He heard the Vuvuzela playing loudly and he heard people screaming his name. His screams for help were finally heard by the security personnel, who rescued him later.
-- Sampurn Wire