Diana inquest jurors to get armed security

London, Sept 28 : Jurors probing into the death of Princess Diana are to get unprecedented security to prevent them from being ‘hassled or harassed’.

The hearing that is expected to last at least for the next six months began at the High Court on Sept 27.

The Metropolitan Police's jury protection team will take the responsibility of transporting the jurors between home and court during the probe.

"I am very anxious that you should not be harassed or hassled in any way during the inquests,” the Daily Mail quoted Coroner Lord Justice Scott Baker, as telling 80 prospective jurors.

"That is why arrangements have been made to collect you from home and return you there.

"If you are in any way hassled or harassed you should immediately tell one of my officers who will take the appropriate steps and report it immediately to me."

The coroner also told the prospective jurors that that have nor been called in ‘for any ordinary case’.

The jurors, who arrived at Westminster Coroner's Court on Sept 27, did not know that they were to join the inquest of the deaths of the royal and Dodi Al Fayed in Paris ten years ago.

Lord Justice Scott Baker told the jurors they were perhaps "shocked" to be called without prior notice.

“The deaths of these two people have created worldwide interest on an unprecedented scale, “ the coroner told the jurors.

"You have to put out of your mind anything you have heard out of court. It will not be easy to do that in this particular case but you will have to,” he added.

Jurors chosen at random from the electoral roll in West London were asked to fill questionnaires to see if their ties with the royal family, the Spencers, the Metropolitan Police or Harrods boss Mohamed Al Fayed.

Then, the number of jurors was brought down to 25. By next week, the list will zero in on 11 members, who will visit Paris and examine the scene of the crash. (With inputs from ANI)
