Czech military spies say foreign agents interested in US radar

US RadarPrague  - The Czech military intelligence said Monday that foreign spies have shown "specific interest in information" about a missile defence radar base the United States plans to build in the ex-Soviet satellite.

The agency did not give any details in a public version of its 2007 annual report released Monday.

On Thursday, Czech civil counter-intelligence BIS said in its annual report that Russian spies have been stirring up public opinion against the US base. But the report did not give specifics.

The reports were released three weeks before regional and Senate elections.

Later this autumn, Czech lawmakers are to consider two Czech-US treaties on placing the radar base in a military zone south-west of Prague.

The center-right government of Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek so far lacks a clear majority for the base in parliament.

The United States is also seeking to place 10 interceptor missiles for the system in neighbouring Poland.

Despite US assurances that the missile shield is being developed against long-range missiles from so-called rogue states such as Iran, Russia views the system's European leg as a security threat and has threatened to aim missiles at the US bases in Central Europe. (dpa)

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