Cyber security in danger, frauds soaring

Cyber security in danger, frauds soaringOne of the most susceptible countries to the cyber crime is Australia. The reports by the leading cyber security company last week also claimed that Australia has the most number of cyber attacks. While the giants like Google are also facing cyber security threats, small and medium enterprises are in even bigger threat.

As many as 70 million dollars have been fleeced by cyber criminals from the Australian citizens by way of frauds. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission have admitted to the increase in online fraud and the amount has soared to 2000 up by 16 percent if compared to last year.

The report also had some other interesting points like the number people victimized of fraud due to online shopping have doubled. An increase of 60 percent can be seen in the false billing rip offs.

The number frauds have been in the advanced fee form. The Australian internet activity is also at an all time high, the report suggested. Ratings agency Nielsen revealed that online social networking site facebook has been responsible for increasing the internet activity by 9 percent.