Confirmed cases of HIV/AIDS reaches 303 in Fiji

Confirmed cases of HIV/AIDS reaches 303 in FijiThe number of confirmed cases of HIV/AIDS in Fiji has reached 303 including 13 new cases. Out the thirteen new cases, one is a child.

This number has been complied on the basis of the report from the laboratory at Tamavua and the Pediatrics Unit of the Colonial War Memorial Hospital.

Family health national adviser Doctor Josaia Samuela cited confidentiality and inhibition of relatives of relatives in listing HIV/AIDS as the cause of death of the deceased as the reasons behind under- reporting on the number of people living with HIV.

Dr Samuela said: "Relatives usually ask doctors not to put the cause of death, because they cannot claim their insurance from companies."

Out the 303 confirmed cases 137 cases are of young people from the age of 20 to 29. More than half of confirmed cases are men.