Cancer rates as well as survival rates are increasing

Cancer rates as well as survival rates are increasing  Recent study revealed that 695,000 living Canadians were diagnosed with an invasive cancer over a 10-year period ending at the beginning of January 2005. The study concluded that although cancer rates are increasing but it is also a fact that survival rates are improving.

Study by Statistics Canada reveled that the most prevalent cancer in women was breast cancer and prostate cancer in men followed by colorectal cancer. 40% cancer cases are due to breast cancer and 38.2% men were diagnosed prostate cancer.

Thyroid was the most prevalent cancer in age group of 20 to 39. Breast cancer was most common in age groups of 40 to 49 and 50 to 59. Prostate was the most common cancer among people 60 and older.

Data revealed that peak age of cancer diagnosis was 80 to 84. Women are more vulnerable to cancer before age 60.

Hodgkin's lymphoma was most prevalent in age group 20 to 39. Moreover men in this age group were more vulnerable to testicular cancer as compared to older generation.

Larry Ellison, lead author of the study said that the hope for the study was that generating solid numbers and percentages based on age and sex would provide a solid foundation for further research projects to build upon.