An investment may be considered in the stock of Guj. State Petronet, as there are full chances of upside potential today.
Investors interested in buying Guj. State Petronet stock, can purchase it around Rs 78. Keep a stop loss of Rs 77. The minimum target for the day is Rs 81 and the maximum will be around Rs 84.
Presently it is hovering near Rs 81 on BSE. But don’t purchase it at this level. Wait for sometime, but if rise continuously, purchase it around 81 and then the target will be Rs 87.
Investors need not to worry as the stock has capacity to cover up its loss speedily.
GSPL, a GSPC subsidiary, has taken a lead in developing energy transportation Infrastructure in Gujarat and connecting major natural gas supply sources and demand markets.
Gujarat State Petronet Limited is first company in India to transport natural gas on open access basis and is a Pure Natural Gas Transmission Company.