Arizona immigration law welcomed by protests

Arizona immigration law welcomed by protestsIt has been reported that hundreds of people protested the new Arizona immigration law as parts of it took effect Thursday, with demonstrations throughout the day in Phoenix.

The Arizona Republic reported that while the protests were non-violent, police arrested dozens of people in the state capital. One group blocked a major downtown street in the morning, snarling traffic and light rail.

Vanessa Bustos and five other activists chained themselves together at the entrance to the Maricopa County jail.

Bustos told the Los Angeles Times, "It's not over yet. There are other bills being enacted against the Latino community."

The Republic has reported that demonstrators also blocked a street near Phoenix City Hall.

Issued on Wednesday, the injunction temporarily bars police from questioning people's immigration status. The judge's order also blocks a provision that criminalizes failure to apply for or carry alien registration papers and another that makes it illegal "for an unauthorized alien to solicit, apply for or perform work."

CNN further reported that Gov. Jan Brewer called Bolton's ruling "a little bump in the road."

Brewer also said, "The fact of the matter is this is just an injunction. I'm sure as we go through the process, we'll get a fair hearing."

The Republic in Phoenix reported that the state's two Republican U. S. senators said the Obama administration is "wasting tax money in the legal battle instead of supporting the state's effort to curb illegal immigration." (With Inputs from Agencies)