Ancient Moss, Insects Found In Antarctica

The scientists have found the traces of remains of organisms in the barren Ancient Moss, Insects Found In Antarctica valleys in Antarctica. Tundra was present on the frozen continent fourteen million years ago. The plants and animals are expected to become extinct due to an abrupt climate cooling of 8 degree Celsius before 200,000 years. The similar vegetation can be found in some areas of Alaska, Canada and Siberia. The scientists have also expressed the possibility of mosses, sea birds and insects at Antarctica.

The research team of Geoscientist Adam Lewis of North Dakota State University and co-workers found remains of moss on the floor of valley. The mosses were expected to freeze in the ice and died. The presence of tissues of moss in the ice floor vindicates that plants were once there and the continent was fit for living.

The new findings are published in the Tuesday's edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The National Science Foundation has supported the report.
