Aamir Khan’s Show Satyamev Jayate Supported by Public; Ridiculed by Few in Media
After the fair share of eyeballs claimed by Aamir Khan’s show Satyamev Jayate, there are people who are criticizing him for being too fake with his appearance on the show and in interviews. The show has been very successful so far and has been able to get good TV ratings as well as decent share of advertising during the prime slot on Sunday.
Aveek Sen of The Telegraph commented that the “messianic” look of Aamir Khan irritates him and he feels that the actor is using this face to make things work for him. Rajyasree Sen also commented that Aamir expressed exaggerated shock during the show. I think, there are many moments during the show, when the guests are revealing shocking stories or stats. So, it is obvious for Aamir or audience to express shock during such situations.
I don’t mind it either. He and his team at Satyamev Jayate is doing a great job. They are bringing the issues, which we know, but we are not comfortable talking about them. Aamir Khan’s exposure on the medical community should be played again and again so that the Indian public wakes up and steps up an agitation against the irregularities in this profession.
Satyamev Jayate’s episode on Dowry brings out a reality of our society. The strong family ties (or you may want to call it the never ending fight between and Woman and her Mother in Law) which we talk about, are based on the money transactions. It should be stopped and I would personally support Aamir Khan or anyone else who raises a voice against this.
Another episode on female foeticide should also be discussed in detail in media and in social circles. We need to talk about and correct the problems that our society faces today.
So, I would strongly condemn, anyone raising a voice against Aamir Khan. He might be putting additional acting skills to make things work. Or, there can be PR strategies to promote things better. I don’t mind any tactics, till the time their focus is on real problems faced by Indian society.
Star Plus also expects to get better rankings as the show will bring back to focus on the channel which managed to get back a bigger pie of viewers with KBC in the past.
Views presented are personal.
(Image Presents the result of Poll by Hindustan Times. Image Copyrights HT Media. Link to Poll Results Infographic)