23% of cancers often 'diagnosed late'

cancer-diagnosesMore than one fourth cancer diagnoses in England are made when patients come in a situation of emergency, a recent study has claimed.

Studies performed by the National Cancer Intelligence Network (NCIN) have shown that 23% of cancer cases are diagnosed in an emergency treatment.

The figures have been distressing for sufferers of acute leukemia and brain cancer, where more than half of the cases are found at the last stage.

Pensioners and the ones who come under 25 years of age are most likely to be diagnosed with cancer during emergency cases, while poor citizens are amongst the ones who suffer with late detection.

The study released by individuals found that people who have cancer and are detected at an emergency stage will die within a year than the ones who have illness was discovered earlier.

Harpal Kumar, the chief executive of Cancer Research UK, stated: "The figure for diagnoses via emergency presentations is way too high. This statistic helps explain why we have lower survival rates than we would hope to have, lower than the best countries in Europe."

He told the Daily Telegraph: "We need screening programmes to be rolled out as early as possible and GPs given rapid access to the tests that will enable patients to be moved quickly through the system."

Sara Hiom, director of health information at Cancer Research UK explained that the number of patients whose cancer is diagnosed at the last stage is growing at a very fast rate.

It is stated that soon the Government needs to devise way to sort out the issue as claimed according to the revised cancer strategy, which is due in the coming months, she said.

A spokesman for the Department of Health stated that people have geared up for bettering the cancer outcomes. Early diagnosis is vital and will match the survival rates in Europe.