You can catch glimpse of full moon this Christmas Day, first time ever in 21st century

You can catch a glimpse of the full moon on Christmas Day, first time ever in the 21st century. Astronomers said the last time when the moon was full on Christmas was in 1977. They said such a thing isn’t going to happen again until 2034.

If you are a lover of full moon and Christmas than this is your moment, enjoy it. The moon is going to be the most full at 3:11am on December 25, but don’t worry if you fell asleep before that.

In Los Angeles, you can witness the moon until it sets at 6:52 on Christmas morning. And in case you miss that too, that’s fine as a still very full-looking moon is going to rise that evening at 5:34pm. Though, some might feel that gazing at the moon is mundane, but scientists still are fully surprised by the biggest and brightest object in our night sky.

Using data gathered by China’s Chang’e 3 rover, researchers revealed proof of a new kind of basaltic rock in one of the dark basins on the moon, this week. The discovery has suggested that the lunar surface is more miscellaneous as compared to the one that emerged from studies after the Apollo and Luna missions.

A separate team of scientists discovered in 2014 that volcanoes’ eruptions could have been there on the moon at the time when dinosaurs used to roam on the Earth. It was discovered practically past week by geological time scales.