WorldCoin (WLD), AIOZ Network (AIOZ), Hedera (HBAR), Cosmos (ATOM) and Render (RNDR) Among Top Gaining Cryptocurrencies during last 24 hours

WorldCoin (WLD), AIOZ Network (AIOZ), Hedera (HBAR), Cosmos (ATOM) and Render (RNDR)

During the last 24 hours, WorldCoin (WLD), AIOZ Network (AIOZ), Hedera (HBAR), Ethena (ENA), (FET), Cosmos (ATOM) and Render (RNDR) Among Top Gaining Cryptocurrencies during last 24 hours.

Let us see know briefly about these currencies......

Worldcoin (WLD)

In the wild world of cryptocurrencies, Worldcoin (WLD) is stirring up excitement with signs of an impending breakout rally. Technical indicators hint at a bullish surge, with hammer-like candlestick patterns suggesting a potential bottom. Bulls are on the prowl, eyeing the $6.9 resistance as their next conquest, spurred by recent retracements fueled by selling pressure. With WLD currently trading around $5.0, anticipation mounts for another bullish push, signaling a possible breach of resistance in the near future.

Meanwhile, Tools for Humanity, the mastermind behind Sam Altman’s iris-scanning venture, Worldcoin, is dropping tantalizing hints of future collaborations with tech and finance giants. Last year, Worldcoin partnered with cybersecurity firm Okta to pioneer a groundbreaking authentication service, setting the stage for further innovations in the crypto realm.

In a bid to broaden its horizons, the Worldcoin Foundation unveils World Chain, a permissionless, open-source layer 2 slated for a mid-2024 launch. Designed to seamlessly integrate with the Worldcoin protocol, World Chain promises enhanced functionality and preferential treatment for users wielding a coveted World ID.


Shifting gears, AIOZ Network makes waves with its groundbreaking alliance with Alibaba Cloud, signaling a pivotal moment for Web3 advancements in the region. Beyond financial backing, the partnership aims to establish the DePIN Alliance, championing AI, storage, and streaming infrastructure services vital for Web3 development.


On the flip side, Fetch.AI and SingularityNET tokens soar amid rumors of an impending merger, set to reshape the landscape of decentralized AI.


Meanwhile, Hedera Hashgraph (HBAR) asserts its dominance in the finance realm, with the launch of South Korean Won (KRW) as a Real World Asset on the Hedera network, marking a significant milestone in the realm of stablecoin international remittances.


Lastly, Cosmos (ATOM) shines bright at the TOKEN2049 panel discussion, hailed as one of the "clear winners" alongside Avalanche (AVAX) in the realm of sovereign blockchains. With distinct features and visionary leadership, Cosmos and Avalanche stand poised to shape the future of decentralized ecosystems.

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