Wellington Marches to Santa Parade under Blue Skies

Santa-ParadeThis weekend saw Wellington's streets fill up with around 60,000 children and their parents, who turned up to enjoy the annual Santa Parade amid perfect, sunny weather.

The parade hosted a superstar team of celebrities, beginning with the infamous man in red. As people crowded under the shade of trees along Lambton Quay, they were greeted by Dora the Explorer, the Wot Wots and Snoopy. Peter Rabbit and his entourage of Flopsy, Mopsy and Cotton-tail greeted the thousands of toddlers and children. The presence of some baddies kept the event spicy. Star Wars storm troopers and Peter Rabbit's nemesis, Mr. McGregor, were among those that made an appearance.

In addition to fairy tales' favorites and members of the movie hall of fame, there were also characters representing local organisations. The Heart Foundation's Heart mascot was easily visible among the other costumes, while the Salvation Army Band added to the musical background

The parade's progress through the city was accompanied by the sounds of brass bands, such as the Falun Dufa group, bagpipes and Batacuda drummers. Members of the Bigair cheer team also added a different level to the parade.

All in all the day proved to be a good experience, both for those attending to see the fanfare and watch the show, as well as for those simply interested in soaking up the beautiful weather.