Warning Bells for Those Who Eat, Drink, Breathe On The Internet
To put it in simple language By Vint Cerf "This is like the internet running out of telephone numbers and with no new numbers, you can't have more subscribers”. Well most of us had never anticipated that such a situation would arise and it comes as a shock.Vint Cerf, who is popularly known as 'The Father of Internet’ because of his remarkable contribution in developing the ARPAnet has warned the world that only 14% of IP addresses are now available and depleting at a very fast rate. The result being that by late 2009 or early 2010 they will have exhausted. This has happened because now-a-days almost everything from a refrigerator to mobile devices .game consoles and television are being sold with some kind of internet access built in. According to Cerf, out of 4.2 billion internet Protocol version four addresses (IPv4) which were available in the 70's, now only a mere 600 million are left. The figures decreasing by a rate of knots even while you are reading this article.
However there is no need to panic but to take proper action .The option that is available to us has been there for almost a decade but has not been adopted on a large scale yet.
In 1996, Internet Protocol Version 6(IPv6) was developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).This provides a space for 2^128 addresses (340 trillion trillion trillion) or 4billion IP .Now that is a relief coz this technology will out live all of us. So people gear up, all you have to do is sign up with an Internet Service that supports IPv6, own a computer with IBM's UNIX.Windows XP SP1 and sit back comfortably.