Virtual Keyboards while you search – Google

Virtual Keyboards while you search – GoogleTo add to the ease in search, Google search engine has been fitted by a virtual onscreen keyboard.

The onscreen keyboard comes in handy when feeding foreign characters using a traditional QWERTY keyboard. The Product Manager at Google, Manish Bhargava, stated that users faced obtrusions whilst typing in their local languages scripts. The conditions fell to copying one word at time from other websites or online translation tools that mounted the frustration levels in the users.

Further adding to the list of solutions is the language tool which will enlist 35 languages.

The online keyboard is triggered at once when hits on the button next to the search field on the Google homepage. This feature resembles close to similar step taken in 2009 when it was launched as API on code. google. com that permitted developers to integrate this functionality on their webpages.

This multi-utility device proves very useful for those looking to bypass any potential key logger in public places.