US expatriates, Egyptian locals hail Obama the "American Dream"
Cairo - American expatriates living in Cairo cheered Barak Obama's win as they partied into the early hours, and Egyptian locals expressed satisfaction with the election of the first black US president.
Many Americans in Egypt think that Obama's winning will positively reflect on the US image in the Arab world.
"I'm very happy that Obama won. This way people will stop asking me if I'm from the US and If I like Bush," said Jeff Bellis, a political science student at the American University in Cairo.
"The US will definitely improve its foreign relations," said Bellis, adding that Obama's economic policies and tax plan are much better than MacCain's.
"I'm in disbelief," said Joslyn Massengale, an American social researcher at an American embassy party in an Egyptian luxury hotel.
Massengale, of African origin explained that she likes Obama because his family feels like hers. "He feels so familiar to me," she said
"He worked hard and will continue to work hard," said Dana Haupt, a nurse practitioner.
Obama is an icon of the "American dream," living proof that it is still attainable in this day and age, said Nevine Khalil, an Egyptian journalist.
People in the Egyptian street were generally encouraged that Obama is to be the first African American President, thinking that this will soften US policies towards minorities and third word countries.
"He is a good man," said Amm Abdo, after the radio in his taxi announced Barack Obama's victory in the US elections early in the morning.
The 50-year-old taxi driver could not explain why he thinks the Democrat is a 'good man' only saying that being black is a change in itself, that gives him hope for other major change in "how the US deals with the rest of the world".
Mohamed Hassan, a security guard in a downtown Cairo building said that he will view Obama's win as "an end to racism in the world". (dpa)