UAE may waive off visa deposit fee for 34 nationalities

Abu Dhabi, July 28 : The Naturalisation and Residency Department of the Government of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) may not charge certain nationalities a visa deposit fee to enter the region.

Brigadier Nasser Al Awadi Al Minhali, Acting Director-General of the Federal Naturalisation and Residency Department was quoted by The Gulf News as saying that the mandatory 1,000 dirham visa deposit fee, transit and some other types of visas could be waived for certain nationalities.

The UAE will not charge 34 nationalities for an entry visa and the free entry permit on arrival will remain unchanged, Brig Al Minhali said.

Citizens of the 34 countries, including the UK, US, Australia, Japan and Brunei and Singapore, will also not be subject to the Dh1,000 deposit or the health insurance applicable to subjects of all other countries.

He said the criteria for waiving the deposit would depend on adherence to the new rules and regulations by the visa-seeking nationalities. The less violation of the rules, the more the chance of a deposit waiver, Brigadier Al Minhali added.

Brigadier Al Minhali said the new visa regulations which will take effect from tomorrow would uproot all visitors who overstay their welcome by December.

Concerning visit visas for friends, Brig Al Minhali said residents would not be allowed to bring in friends on visit visas. Only Emiratis will be allowed to sponsor friends on a visit visa, which is also conditional, said the official.

Brigadier Al Minhali said a visit visa holder would be allowed to enter the UAE once within two months from the date of issue of the visa.

Separate visas will be issued for various purposes such as medical treatment or studies, he added.

Changes that will be effective from tomorrow include:

Residents can apply for a 30-day or 90-day visit visa for their spouse or blood relatives of 1st or 2nd degree only.

Expatriates will no longer be allowed to sponsor friends, and all visitors should have health insurance cover. A Dh1,000 refundable deposit is mandatory for all visas.

Medical treatment visas for 90 days and renewable once for a similar period can only be applied through licensed hospitals and clinics.

Education visas for 60 days and renewable twice for a similar period can only be applied for by a licensed educational institution.

Exhibition, festival and conference visas for 30 days, non-renewable, can only be applied for by the organisers.

Tourist visas for 30 days and renewable once for a similar period can only be applied for by a licensed hotel, a travel or a tourism agency.

Visit visas for 60 days, renewable twice for a similar period, can be obtained for domestic helpers who accompany citizens of GCC countries.

Residents in GCC countries and their domestic helpers can obtain a 30-day visit visa, renewable once for a similar period. (ANI)
