Two Egyptian Peacemakers killed in Darfur
The joint United Nations-African Union Mission (UNAMID) has informed that two of peacekeepers of Egypt have been killed by the refugee militants in Darfur region of Sudan.
Three other Egyptian soldiers were seriously injured near to Edd al-Fursan in South Darfur and were taken to the Unamid hospital by a military helicopter.
However, no group has taken the responsibility of the attack till now but the officials are suspecting some of the organizations. There has been a huge issue between the refugee militants and the normal citizens. It is also not easy of these the peacekeepers to identify the refugees and the normal citizens. There has been a serious civil war between these two groups for quite a time.
Approximately three million people had been pushed in to refugee camps in Darfur. There is absolute monarchy at these refugee camps. So the innocent peacekeepers have lost their lives in this awful attack. They might have entered to this high alert and prohibited zone and might have been killed by these refugee militants.