Twenty-year sales deal signed by Santos
As per the media reports, Santos has expressed that an agreement to sell 2 million tonnes of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from its Gladstone plant, in central Queensland, is a major milestone for the project.
Santos Gladstone LNG president Rick Wilkinson said that a guaranteed sales agreement is required for a project of this size to progress.
He further said that the gas will be sold to the Malaysian firm, Petronas.
He said, “We are well passed half-way - this is, as I said, an essential part for us.”
“We had planned for this to be completed by the end of this year, so we are already six months ahead of where we thought we would be with regard to the sale of LNG.”
Mr. Lamb expressed that on Monday the environmental impact statement will be available for public comment.
He said, “It is an absolutely necessary step for all projects of this size to have a good strong off-take agreement to provide the revenue which is basically underpinning the reason why you are spending all the money.”
(via TopNews New Zealand. Contributed by Omaka Nelson)