Turkey hints about the nuclear deal with Iran
The officials of Turkey have said that the deal on nuclear program of Iran is supposed to be closed. They are saying that on the basis of the joint talks in Teheran. It was attended by the Prime Minister Mr. Erdogan. His main aim was to convince the Iranian leaders to send their nuclear material abroad for processing.
The Brazilian president Mr. Lula da Silva is also participating in the talks. The western countries like US, UK are worried that Iran is making bombs and no mediator has been worked for this issue till date, as Iran is clarifying that they have not such weapon program.
A new formal announcement for the new deal is supposed to be made on Monday. This has been declared by the foreign ministry of Turkey. The western countries had proposed Iran to send its low-enriched uranium to France and Russia and then they would process it to usable in research reactor.
This deal was proposed to give Iran benefits of nuclear energy without any nuclear weapon but this proposal was rejected by Teheran. The recent talks are going on with Brazil and Turkey now which are the non-nuclear countries.