Tokyo Electric Power fixes new radioactive leak this weekend

Tokyo Electric Power fixes new radioactive leak this weekendTokyo Electric Power Co has said that it has fixed a radioactive leak at the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant after detecting it over the weekend.

The company, which is known as Tepco, said that it has now halted a contaminated water leak from a pipe, which high radiation levels were discovered on 31 August, 2013. The company officials detected high levels of radiation in four spots in the area. One spot recorded radiation of 1,800 millisieverts per hour at the bottom of a bolted-flange tank storing water that is used to cool reactor cores.

The detected level at the bottom of the water tank is 18 times the level reported at the same spot on 18 august, 2013. The level could be lethal if exposed for a period of four hours, according to the company. Tepco has been struggling to contain leaks as it has more than 338,000 metric tons of water with different levels of toxicity stored in pits, basements and hundreds of tanks at the Fukushima plant.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe blamed the company for not being able to handle the disaster after it was revealed that Tepco discharged as much as 300 tons of irradiated water into the ocean each day.