Three top Islamic leaders will visit India

It seems that India's effort to reach Islamic world is showing good results.

Three top dignitaries from the Islamic World are visiting India in the coming days. They include are Turkish PM Tayyip Erdogan, Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.

Visit of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak is seen as a crucial step towards strengthening bi-lateral relationship between these two countries. The Egyptian President is visiting India after 25 years. Egypt alone accounts for almost 40% of India's trade with northern Africa. But Chinese influence is growing day by day in Egypt. India is hoping that ties between two nations will reach a new high after Mubarak's visit.

On the other hand India will host the first Indo-Arab cultural festival in Delhi in the first week of December. More than 100 Arab artistes are likely to participate in the festival. Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa will visit India in that period. India s expected to sign a MoU with Arab League during that period.

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had toured Qatar and Oman last week. That was Singh's first visit to the oil-rich Gulf region where India signed a defence and security cooperation pact with Qatar.
