Tests of huge oil skimmer in the Gulf of Mexico remain unclear

Tests of huge oil skimmer in the Gulf of Mexico remain unclearAccording to the operators, the tests of the giant oil skimmer have been unclear because of the sea. The giant skimmer is made to scoop up with the huge oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

The skimmer could help to block millions of gallons of oil from reaching the land area. The tests were supposed to be completed by Monday.

The spokesman of the ship owner, TMT Shipping Offshore, Mr. Bob Grantham has said that there should be some additional testing time now. If the super skimmer works it could really boost the clean up efforts of the firm BP and its officials and workers.

The skimmer is a Taiwanese vessel named ‘A Whale’.

It is designed to vacuum up the oily water then it will separate the oil from water and through the water back to the sea. Mr. Bob Grantham has also said that after an initial testing of 48 hours the results remain inconclusive because of the rough state of the sea.

So the ship officials are working in a close coordination with the US Coast Guard to undertake an additional period of testing time to make the necessary technical and operational adjustments for effective skimming process.