Technology News

Symantec report: India growing as hub of malicious activities in the APJ region

SymantecIt's really easy to buy someone's credit card information from the underground cyber market, w

When will spy satellite start sending images?

RISAT-2The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has reported that it will start receiving the first images from the all-weather spy satellite, RISAT-2, next week. RISAT-2, along with ANUSAT, was put into orbit by a Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) on Monday.

The chief spokesperson of ISRO, S Satish has said, "Both the satellites are being tracked continuously and the first set of images from RISAT-2 are expected next week. I am happy to say that they are performing satisfactorily."

Google Street View ''does not breach privacy''

Google Street View ''does not breach privacy''Washington, Apr. 24 : Google''s controversial Street View does not infringe people''s privacy, a watchdog has ruled.

The service has made pictures of people''s homes and cars available to everyone across the web, reports Sky News.

But the Information Commissioner''s Office said it would not be in the public interest to "turn the digital clock back".

ISPAI sues DoT over the issue of surrendering spectrum

ISPAI sues DoT over the issue of surrendering spectrumShowing strong aggression towards the Department of Telecom (DoT), the Internet Service Providers Association of India (ISPAI) has filed suit against DoT over its directive for surrendering spectrum, in which the DoT directed the country’s ISPs (Internet Service Providers) to surrender spectrum falling in the Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) space. The ISPAI has filed suit against DoT, in the Telecom Dispute Settlement and Appellate Tribunal (TDSAT).

Fujifilm India launches seven new digital cameras; looks to enhance its presence in the Indian Market

Fujifilm India launches seven new digital cameras; looks to enhance its presence in the Indian Market

Motorola announces to release its FR Series computer phones FR68 and FR6000 in India

Motorola announces to release its FR Series computer phones FR68 and FR6000 in IndiaThe manufacturer of wireless telephone handsets based in Schaumburg, Illinois, Motorola has announced to release its FR Series cell phones FR68 and FR6000 in the Indian market. Motorola has claimed that the FR68 and FR6000 cell phones are rugged and compact mobile computers that can work in several local languages, and can help to boost productivity various businesses, including healthcare, logistics, transportation, utilities, manufacturing, and public safety.  
