
Almost 10% of young Chinese netizens suffer Internet addiction: Survey

ChinaNew Delhi, Jan 19: A new survey has revealed that about 9.7 percent of Chinese netizen between 1

Pro-Qaeda terror sites flood web space

Lahore, Jan 19: Al Qaeda connectionTo spread its tentacles worldwide, internati

New data link that is 250 times faster than standard broadband created

BroadbandCanberra, Jan 17: A collaborative research between Australian and US universities has led

Now, movies of the cosmos to be posted on the net

Washington, Jan 8: Bill GatesA collaboration between Bill Gates and Charl

Soon, cyber technology to detect online fraudsters

Cyber SecurityWashington, January 8: Shopping or carrying out other transactions online may soon be a safer affair, for Iowa State University researchers are developing a cyber technology to track fraudsters.

Yong Guan, Iowa State University's Litton Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, says that his team has already developed a technology that may help online advertising companies like Google and Yahoo reduce “click fraud”—falsely increasing hits to ads posted on Web sites that results in higher costs for pay-per-click advertising.

Clicking on holiday e-mails can give your computer to criminals: Expert

Washington, Dec 27: The next time you receive Web links in holiday-related e-mails, think twice before clicking on it, for researchers have warned that it is a risk that could put your identity or
