
Love in your inbox? Be careful

Bonn  - Internet users should be extra suspicious of an ongoing wave of e-mail messages claiming to hold links to love letters or video clips.

One in five Oz kids ‘cyber-bullied’

Melbourne, May 9: According to a survey, cyber bullying is affecting more than one in five young Aussies.

MySpace will allow users to share data with other sites

London, May 9: MySpace, the world's most popular social networking site, has announced that it plans to give users the option of sharing their profiles and other personal information with other Web

‘Girls Aloud’ now surface as computer virus

London, May 9: An anti-virus firm has warned that name of the Brit-nominated British group ‘Girls Aloud’ is being misused by some cyber-criminals to spread a new computer virus, which can scan a ha

Classified Hong Kong "watch-list" leaked on internet

Hong Kong  - A government investigation was underway Friday after it was revealed that confidential files from the Immigration Department had been mistakenly leaked on to the internet.

Singapore looking at lighter touch in regulating internet

Singapore - The Singapore government is considering a lighter touch in regulating the internet after 13 bloggers called for freedom to discuss political issues and views, the group said on Thursday
