T-cells could help in development of Revolutionary Treatment against Cancer

An experimental treatment has registered success in eliminating blood cancer symptoms in 94% of patients, according to a new report. Scientists at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre in Seattle have claimed medical victory by treating many patients with cancer of the white blood cells known as acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL).

Generally, only 40% of patients aged between 25 and 64 are able to survive for five years after being diagnosed with ALL. The survival rate reduces for those aged 65 and above, at 15%. The new therapy used by the U.S. researchers involves genetically modifying an important factor in the patient’s natural immune defense system called T-cells.

These cells normally hunt and kill cells in human body that are infected with bacteria. With genetic modification, the T-cells recognize cancer cells as enemies and destroy them. The 94% success rate has been registered in ALL patients.

The researchers have tried the treatment called immunotherapy on people with other blood cancer then also their condition improved. In more than half of those patients, the cancer appeared to have gone completely.

One of the study researchers Dr. Stanley Riddell said, “This is unprecedented in medicine, to be honest, to get response rates in this range in patients with these very advanced cancers”. He also mentioned that they expect trained T-cells will be able to stay in the body for years.

Dr. Riddell from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Washington said that there are patients who have tried everything but nothing has worked for them. There are hopes that the treatment might prove beneficial for them as well. It has lesser side effects compared to other treatment options for cancer patients.

T-cells as per researchers could eventually provide a long-term defense against cancer. Riddell said that much like chemotherapy and radiotherapy, the new therapy has finally made it to a pillar of cancer therapy.