Health News

Children Kept Within Four Walls Expose Themselves To Online Dangers

Possessive British parents, who in order to safeguard their children from street Children Kept Within Four Walls Expose Themselves To Online Dangers dangers, confine them to four walls of the house, are actually exposing them to the dangers associated with the net. 

This comes from a latest survey conducted by co-author Dr Leslie Haddon, of the EU Kids Online project, who claims that keeping children at home for longer duration of time can actually lead to dangerous online situations. The kids incredibly increase their time spending on the internet. 

Alcohol In Adolescence Not Likely To Make Responsible Adults

As the saying goes, a few sips of brandy or wine can do no harm. It was also Alcohol In Adolescence Not Likely To Make Responsible Adultsbelieved by some Europeans that giving alcohol to children will, make them responsible drinkers in adulthood. 

But recent studies have revealed just the opposite. Giving alcohol to children may result in them becoming heavier drinkers in later life. The study states, alcohol may bring about certain changes in the brain of a child leading to an urge to drink and in teenagers alcohol can be related to pleasure and euphoria.

An Eye Ailment With No Diagnosis

It is difficult enough to stand in a dark room for a few seconds but 3 days in the dark is an unimaginative situation. An Australian woman is suffering from a peculiar problem of temporary blindness. 21 year old; Natalie Adler is unable to open her eyes continuously for three days and is not able to shut them the following three days. 

Doctors believe that she may be the only person in the world to be suffering from such a problem.

Natalie is persistently having such a problem since she was 17 years old. She reminisces one Sunday she woke up with swollen eyes before an English exam, after which her eyes started showing instability. The doctors gave her Botox injections around her eyes to enable her to see for 5to6 days a week. 

Risk Of Heart Disease In Indian Women Rising At An Alarming Rate

It is commonly believed that women are protected from heart attacks and require Risk Of Heart Disease In Indian Women Rising At An Alarming Rate

Herbal Treatment Found For Impotency

A recent study has found a herbal treatment for impotency in men. Researchers Herbal Treatment Found For Impotency have found out that the soft green heart-shaped leaf of the horny goat weed can be successfully used in place of the common anti-impotency pills. This study was led by Mario Dell'Agli, at the University of Milan.

Use Of Talc Can Increase Risk Of Ovarian Cancer

A recent study has shown that frequent use of talcum powder by women on their Use Of Talc Can Increase Risk Of Ovarian Cancerprivate parts can be extremely dangerous. Researches found that women who use talc on private parts have 40 per cent risk of develop ovarian cancer. This study was done by Dr Maggie Gates and her colleagues at Harvard Medical School.
