Health News

Brothels help prostitutes stay healthy

Sydney - Prostitution is regulated differently in Australia's six states, allowing researchers like Basil Donovan to compare how the industry operates under different rules and the implications for public health.

Donovan, from the University of New South Wales, found that sex workers in his state had the lowest incidence of sexually transmitted disease.

If the health of those who work in the industry was the only consideration, he argues, other jurisdictions should fall into line with the biggest state and decriminalize prostitution and deregulate the industry.

"The prevalence of gonorrhoea in sex workers in Sydney is as close as you can get to zero," Donovan, an internationally recognized expert in sexual health, said.

Many nightly, bathroom visits reduce bladder cancer risk: study

Bladder CancerHeidelberg - Sleeping uninterruptedly through the night is considered healthy. But a new study shows that multiple nightly visits to the bathroom can help keep a person healthy.

Researchers in the United States have discovered noticeably reduced risks of bladder cancer among people who have a strong need to urinate during the night.

People who go to the bathroom at least twice nightly reduce their

risk of cancer risk by around 40 per cent for men and around 50 per cent for women and were more marked among smokers than non-smokers.

Rare life saving surgery on twins in Minneapolis

Green tea may help prevent or delay onset of type 1 diabetes

Washington, Oct 26: Researchers at Medical College of Georgia have found that a powerful antioxidant in green tea may help prevent or delay the onset of type 1 diabetes.

New test to detect genetic disorders in embryos developed

London, Oct 26 : Couples opting for IVF would soon be able to know whether their child is suffering from any genetic disorder, courtesy British researchers, who have developed a gene-mapping test t

Being overweight may be bad for your hips and knees

overweightWashington, Oct 26 : A new study has revealed that being overweight, particularly if one has a higher than average body mass index, may increase the person’s risk of developing severe osteoarthritis in hips and knees.

Osteoarthritis, or OA as it is commonly called, is the most common joint disease affecting middle-age and older people.

It is characterized by progressive damage to the joint cartilage, the slippery material at the end of long bones, and causes changes in the structures around the joint.
