Health News

Faulty gene and having parents suffering from Alzheimer's increase risk of memory problems in middle age

MemoryRecent research revealed that children of parents with Alzheimer's having a faulty gene are more prone to risk of memory loss in middle age.

Research team analyzed data collected from a group of 715 people with an average age of 59, including 282 who had one or both parents with diagnosed dementia.

Findings indicated that this result in people with parents who have Alzheimer's disease is equivalent to about 15 years of brain ageing.

High-fat diets could lead to cardiovascular disease

High-fat diets Washington, Feb 19 : High-fat diets, even if consumed for a short time, can inflame fat tissue surrounding blood vessels, which could lead to cardiovascular disease, according to researchers at the University of Cincinnati.

For the study, Neal Weintraub, MD, and colleagues examined adipose tissue, or fat, surrounding the coronary arteries of humans.

And it was found that these fat cells were highly inflamed, indicating that they could trigger inflammation of the blood vessels, an important component of atherosclerosis.

Family history raises Alzheimer’s risk

Family history raises Alzheimer’s riskWashington, Feb 19 : A team researchers at Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) has found that people who have parents diagnosed with Alzheimer''s disease or dementia are significantly more likely than others to experience memory loss.

The study found that this is true even in middle-aged persons who do not have a diagnosis of clinical stroke or dementia.

For the study, researchers studied 715 participants (372 women, 343 men) of Framingham Heart Study (FHS) (average age 59) using standardized cognitive tests and MRI brain scans.

Brain scans can read people''s intentions

Washington, Feb 19 : Scientists can now easily tell what's going on in a person's mind, thanks to functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) that can accurately reveal what people are thinking.

In a new study, led by neuroscientist Frank Tong of Vanderbilt University, volunteers were shown two different patterns and were then asked to picture one or the other.

Using fMRI brain scans, the researchers predicted with 80 percent accuracy which of the two patterns each person was actively holding in memory 11 seconds later.

fMRI images reveal which groups of neurons are active by measuring blood flow.

Eggs ‘help reduce high BP’

Eggs ‘help reduce high BP’Washington, Feb 19 : Here's another reason for egg lovers to savour their favourite food - it helps lower high blood pressure.

Canadian researchers have found that egg proteins can help reduce BP in hypertensive patients.

Earlier studies have suggested that eggs provide high-quality protein for growth, muscle strength and energy and promote weight.

Its key nutrients also help reduce the risk of neural tube birth defects and promote eye health.

Drug may improve memory of Alzheimer’s patients

Drug may improve memory of Alzheimer’s patientsWashington, Feb 19: A new study, conducted on mice, has shown that a drug used in a type of hereditary metabolic disorder could improve the memory of people suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

Researchers of the Center for Applied Medical Research (CIMA) of the University of Navarra have shown that the drug sodium phenylbutyrate, prescribed until now for patients with alterations in the urea cycle, eases the fusion of proteins responsible for neuron connections, thus increasing the learning capacity of the mice involved.
