Health News

Gastric virus ‘triggers diabetes in kids’

Gastric virus ‘triggers diabetes in kids’Washington, Mar 6: A new study has revealed that a common family of viruses (enteroviruses) in the pancreas may play an important role in triggering the development of diabetes, particularly in kids.

The study has been conducted by researchers from the Peninsula Medical School in the South West of England, the University of Brighton and the Department of Pathology at Glasgow Royal Infirmary.

Type 1 diabetes usually starts in young people and results from the destruction of the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas.

Love handles ‘impair lung function’

Love handles ‘impair lung function’Washington, Mar 6: Here’s some bad news for people who carry excess weight around the middle: love handles can impair lung function.

According to a report published in American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Medicine, a high weight circumference is strongly associated with decreased lung function.

Cartoons ‘turn kids into yobs’

London, Mar 6 : Tom & Jerry, Digimon and Scooby Doo might seem the perfect shows for your little one, but they're actually turning kids into yobs, a new study has warned.

According to psychologists, primary school pupils ape "verbal" aggression in cartoons such as Pokemon.

To reach the conclusion, behaviour in class was compared to the types of shows watched by pupils as young as seven.

"There is ample evidence physical aggression on TV is associated with increases in aggressive behaviour," The Sun quoted researcher Jennifer Linder, as saying.

The study comprised of 95 primary pupils and asked them about their favourite TV shows and then rated them for violent content.

CNN medical expert withdraws from running for US surgeon general

Washington  - Dr Sanjay Gupta, the chief medical correspondent for the US cable news channel CNN, withdrew his name from consideration for becoming surgeon general in the administration of US President Barack Obama, the latest in a series of personnel setbacks for Obama.

Gupta, 39, in an interview Thursday with CNN host Larry King, gave personal and professional reasons for his decision, chiefly the fact that the birth of his third daughter was imminent and he did not want to spend more time away from his family.

"Well, first of all, it was a really tough decision and a long decision and a long process for sure," Gupta said.

Older boozers get plastered faster than younger ones

Washington, Mar 6: After all of their admonitions about safe drinking, it turns out older adults can''t handle booze as well as they think. A new study has found elderly get tipsy quicker - and are less aware of it.

The report from a University of Florida research group in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs involved 68 nonsmokers - one group aged 50 to 74 and a comparison group aged 25 to 35 - who had at least one drink a month.

Within each group, some individuals were given alcohol while others were given a placebo beverage that did not elevate their breath alcohol levels. The groups were carefully matched by gender, body mass index, history of alcohol consumption and other demographic characteristics.

Now, a gadget that increases penis size by a third

Washington, Mar 6 : Men who think size does matter have been offered a new hope - a magical gadget that claims to lengthen a man's willy by a third!

The extender - called Andro-Penis - uses a plastic ring, two rods and a silicon band.

Researchers from San Giovanni Battista Hospital at the University of Turin, Italy, suggest that the treatment could provide a viable alternative to surgery.

The independent clinical study published in the March issue of BJU International found that males who wore a penile extender every day for six months were able to increase the flaccid length of their penis by up to 32 percent and their erectile function by up to 36 percent.
