Alexander Litvinenko

UK’s politicisation of Litvinenko’s death case harming UK-Russia ties

Alexander LitvinenkoMoscow, Aug 15 : Russian ambassador to Great Britain Yury Fedotov has said that London’s efforts to politicise the “death” case of Alexander Litvinenko’s a former officer of the Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB), had resulted in deterioration of UK-Russia relations.

“It is precisely the Litvinenko case, or primarily London''s efforts to politicize it that have resulted in a visible aggravation of Russian-British relations. Meanwhile, there is a practical way out of the present situation that has been tested in international legal practices,” he said in an interview with the Interfax.

Murdered ex-Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko was on MI6 payroll

Ex Russian spy Alexander LitvinenkoLondon, Oct 27 : Alexander