Taliban set up courts in FATA, NWFP

TalibanIslamabad, June 30 : In a clear indication of the kind of power it has
acquired in the volatile tribal regions of Pakistan, and in the
country's North West Frontier Province, the Taliban has set up kangaroo
courts to deliver its form of Islamic justice.

These Qazi courts
are primarily located inside mosques, and have started delivering
"quick and inexpensive justice to tribesmen at their doorstep".

established lawyers of the region have confirmed that these Qazi courts
have resulted in a drop in the number of cases being heard in the court
of the rontier Crimes Regulations (FCR) Commissioner and the FCR

The courts have been set up in the Mohmand, Bajaur and
Orakzai tribal agencies, and on the outskirts of Peshawar, the NWFP

Sources said that the the government and the local administration is at present not planning a crackdown on these courts. (ANI)