Taking Meals Together By Family Members Can Save Children From Obesity
Obesity was declared an epidemic by World Health Organization. The number of obese children is increasing at an alarming rate. Obesity can multiply the risk of various aliments. Lack of physical exercise along unhealthy eating habits is leading children to obesity. Recent research has shown an easy way to protect children from obesity. Study author claims that a traditional family dinner is more than enough to fight obesity in case of kids.
University of Newcastle health school associate professor Clare Collins did a two-year health survey of 165 obese children aged five to nine. Analysis of data collected from these children showed that parents were still the biggest influence on child nutritional health.
She said that the most important thing parents can do for kids is to sit down at the table as a family. She added that parents and children who start a healthy food program lose more weight than those who focused solely on exercise.
The result of the recent research echo the views present by child health experts in a recent Brisbane health conference that family that eats together has better nutrition levels than those who miss out on the lovely experience.
Researcher added that further research is required to find why dinner-table meals worked best.