Study: Exposure Of Pregnant Women To Some Chemicals Can Double The Risk Of Obesity In Baby
A recent research has found a connection between contamination in womb and obesity. This study showed that exposure of pregnant women to some chemicals can adversely affect the baby. Exposure of mother to pollution increases the chances of obesity in kids even before their birth.
The study done by scientists at Barcelona’s Municipal Institute of Medical Research showed that children who are exposed to pesticide in the womb will have double risk of obesity.
In this study, the researchers measured levels of hexachlorobenzene (HCB) in the umbilical cords of 403 children born on the Spanish island of Menorca. HCB is still found in food and environment although it is banned globally.
Analysis of data collected from these children showed that children who had the highest level of HCB were twice more likely to be obese by the time they turned 6 and a half.
Researchers are emphasizing that use of such chemical which are harmful to humans should be banned completely. Researchers claim that chemical such as bisphenol A (BPA) shouldn’t be used in any kind of products. Bisphenol A (BPA) is used in baby bottles and cans of food, and phthalates, found in cosmetics and shampoos. Previous studies have already shown that 90 per cent Americans are exposed to phthalates in the womb. BPA is found in 95 per cent of Americans. Researchers also claim that use of products containing these chemicals should be minimized.
Dr Pete Myers, chief scientist at the US-based Environmental Health Sciences, said that it is the first good study of the effects on the foetus. Its conclusions are not surprising, given what we know from the animal experiments, but it firmly links such chemicals to the biggest challenge facing public health today.?He added that efforts done for this study are plausible, but the animal experiments point elsewhere. These have shown that obesogens switch genes on and off in the womb, causing stem cells to be turned into fat cells. The children then grow up with a much greater disposition to store and accumulate fat.