Spanish prosecutors seek arrest of ETA members who trained FARC

Spanish prosecutors seek arrest of ETA members who trained FARCMadrid - Prosecutors at Spain's National Court on Friday requested the arrest of five suspected members of the militant Basque separatist group ETA on suspicion of exchanging information on military tactics with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).

The whereabouts of the five were unknown. Press reports said they had fled to Cuba and Venezuela.

Documents seized from ETA and FARC provided evidence of the contacts and collaboration, the prosecutors said.

In 2007, ETA members went to FARC camps in Colombia and gave instructions on the use of explosives and how to use mobile phones as detonators, according to prosecutors.

At a similar meeting in 2003, FARC representatives asked ETA to help them locate former Colombian president Andres Pastrana and other personalities in order to stage attacks against them in Spain.

The prosecutors requested the creation of a Spanish-Colombian investigative team to identify all the ETA members who attended the meetings. (dpa)
