South Ossetia's president dismisses government, declares emergency

Eduard KokoityMoscow - The president of Georgia's pro-Russian separatist region of South Ossetia dismissed his government Monday and proclaimed a state of emergency, days after Georgia and Russia signed a six-point EU-mediated peace plan aimed at defusing the crisis in the Caucasus.

"I have signed three decrees, including one on the resignation of the government, another on proclamation of a state of emergency in South Ossetia and the third on setting up an emergency committee to settle the consequences of the Georgian aggression," Eduard Kokoity told Russia's Vesti-24 television.

The minister claimed his government was too slow in distributing humanitarian aid to the residents of South Ossetia, Russia's Echo Moskvy radio reported.

The South Ossetia capital, Tskhinvali, as well as surrounding villages were ravaged in a Georgia attack August 8 and an ensuing counterattack by Russia.

Tens of thousands of residents fled last week over the border to neighbouring Russia.

On Sunday, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed the EU-brokered peace deal, a day after Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili.

Russia pledged to start pulling combat troops from Georgia Monday despite calls from the United States and Germany for an immediate withdrawal. (dpa)

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