Six workers with anti-poverty agency arrested in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe PoliceHarare - Zimbabwe's police have arrested six members of the international, non-governmental organization, Action Aid, in eastern Zimbabwe.

Police said the aid workers were helping them with their investigations into post-election violence in the area.

Police spokesman Wayne Bvudzijena told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa that the six Action Aid workers who include the Zimbabwean acting director Nancy Kachingwe had been located by police in Manicaland province.

"We are holding them so that they assist us with investigations of violence," said Bvudzijena.

Tensions have erupted into violence in the area ahead of the release of the disputed March 29 presidential election results.

"They were seen in the areas were violence took place so we want them to assist with investigations. As soon as they finish cooperating we will release them," Bvudzijena said.

Action Aid is a South Africa-based organization that fights poverty and works to uphold human rights.

"We are yet to be charged, the police want us to explain why there was violence in Manicaland," read a text message sent by one of the Action Aid workers. (dpa)
