Shale gas might bring another boom to North Sea
Energy sector experts have said that that the extraction of shale gas using the 'fracking' technique might help bring another boom in oil production at North Sea.
The estimates from the British Geological Survey have shown that more than 1,300trillion cubic feet of shale gas might be stored under the North of England alone. Experts said that if only 10 per cent of the gas is recovered, then it will be enough to provide power to the UK for a period of 5 decades. The BGS said that the estimates show that northern England might have 1,329trillion cubic feet of shale gap.
According to estimates, the UK Treasury could rake in as much as £80billion windfall form the Shale gas fracking projects in the country. The Prime Minister has said that the gas from shale gas extraction has helped bring a boom in production the US and resulted in a fall in process. He said that the same could be possible in the UK.
Fracking involves creating little explosions underground and then flooding with water and chemicals to obtain gas trapped in shale rocks. The government is giving approvals with conditions of maintaining safety and reducing the damage to the environment.