Sex scandal hits Sri Lanka's UN troopers in Haiti

Colombo, Nov 3: Over 100 Sri Lankan troops deployed in Haiti, as UN peacekeepers, have become embroiled in a claim that they paid money to women, including possibly under age girls, for sex.

A total of 108 soldiers belonging to the Sri Lankan contingent, who have been accused of the misconduct, have been sent back home.

Sri Lanka's military officials have promised to investigate into the allegations, adding that the law will take its course once the soldiers arrive back in Colombo.

Already four senior officers, including a female Brigadier, from the Sri Lankan military have reached Haiti to investigate.

Both the UN and the Sri Lankan government have deeply regretted any sexual exploitation and abuse that has occurred.

Sri Lanka's Foreign Secretary, Dr Palitha Kohona, said the allegations against the soldiers were a blight on what he described as the country's stunningly good record in United Nations peacekeeping, the BBC reported.

However he added that little tangible evidence, which have been provided by the UN, would make it difficult to bring them before a court.

The UN has a "zero tolerance" policy on peacekeepers visiting prostitutes, regardless of local laws. (ANI)