Scott McClellan announces endorsement of Obama

If the beginning of this week had the former Secretary of State, Colin L. Powell, announcing his endorsement of Obama, the end of the week has former White House Press Secretary, Scott McClellan, going Obama’s way too.

The accomplished Bush loyalist no more who has an uncanny knack for dropping bombshells, did it this time around with his tell-all book about life and lies in President Bush’s inner circle. The book has McClellan bashing his former bosses in the Bush administration.

McClellan’s declaration of Obama endorsement, taped for a new weekend CNN show, “D.L. Hughley Breaks the News,” comes through his dramatic statement that he has a favorite in the presidential election, and “it is not John McCain.”

Hughley, in fact, cajoled McClellan, saying that he had not endorsed either of the two presidential hopefuls. The show host’s insistence, seeking a response from McClellan, went thus: “There is McCain and there is Obama. You know, I’m a new show, and your endorsement probably would mean a lot. Don’t look at the fact that I’m black. Nothing like - no pressure. Endorse somebody.”

It was then that the former Bush consummate grinned and clearly stated: “From the very beginning I’ve said I’m going to support the candidate who has the best chance of changing the way Washington works and getting things done. I will be voting for Barack Obama.”
