Researchers Create Incombustible Lithium-Ion Battery

A lithium-ion battery has been developed by a team of researchers at Stanford University, which they claim to be incombustible. The researchers revealed that the new battery will not catch fire. The development has taken place owing to a series of fire incidents that have occurred due to devices operated by the rechargeable batteries.

The researchers have created this battery in a way that it will shut itself off before reaching a temperature that can result in overheating and eventually fire. The study was published in the journal Nature Energy, while the researchers revealed it on Monday. The discovery is likely to limit the recalling of lithium-ion battery-operated products. Several electronic devices like vehicles, airplanes, computers and even hoverboards are equipped with lithium-ion batteries.

“We've designed the first battery that can be shut down and revived over repeated heating and cooling cycles without compromising performance”, said Chemical Engineering Professor at Stanford, Zhenan Bao, who is one of the researchers involved in the study. She added that the battery has been equipped with sensors that will halt its operations prior to overheating.

The Stanford University study involves the utilization of nanotechnology to resolve the overheating issue as this technology will stop electrons from flowing to the battery when there is an increase in the temperature.

The study explained the working of a normal lithium-ion battery that consists of electrodes and electrolytes, which transmit charged particles among themselves. Subsequent to the perforation of these items, overheating of the battery can occur. Furthermore, the electrolyte can ignite and lead to n explosion if the temperature increases beyond 300 degree Fahrenheit.

Manufacturers of the lithium-ion batteries don’t produce them on large scale due to the safety problems. Lithium-based rechargeable batteries have resulted in several fires and explosions. However, these batteries are widely popular among companies and consumers due to their high energy storage capacity.