World News

UN reforms, bilateral ties review to be focus of India, Egypt FM talks

Cairo, July 2: U. N.

NATO commander: ISAF needs more equipment rather than more troops

Vienna - As Taliban fighters increase their activities in Afghanistan, NATO allies need to provide better-equipped troops rather than more soldiers, the NATO Supreme Allied Commander in Europe said

Afghanistan summons Pak diplomat over beheading of two Afghans

Kabul, July 2: The Hamid Karzai government in Kabul has condemned the beheadings of two Afghans by the Taliban in Pakistan, and the country’s foreign ministry has summoned Pakistan’s Deputy Ambassa

US military copied Guantánamo’s coercive training chart from Chinese

Washington, July 2: The US military trainers who came to Guantánamo Bay in December 2002 based an entire interrogation class on a chart copied word by word from a 1957 Air Force study of Chinese Co

US has pact allowing it unilateral strikes against Osama in Pak territory

WashingtonOsama bin Laden

Qaeda’s headquarters in Pak tribal areas pose gravest threat to UK

London, July 2 : International terror organization Al Qaeda may have been marginalized in Afghanistan and Iraq, but it has been resurging particularly in Pakistan, besides Somalia and Algeria, West
