
Insurgency along lawless Pak Afghan border most ‘daunting’ for US: Holbrook

Insurgency along lawless Pak Afghan border most ‘daunting’ for US: HolbrookWashington, Mar. 28 : The US special envoy to Pakistan and Afghanistan Richard Holbrook has said that the insurgency in Pakistan along the Afghan border is the most daunting situation that the US is facing presently.

Talking to media persons right after President Barack Obama unveiled a new policy for Afghanistan, Holbrooke said that the US is very concerned about dealing with the problem on the western border of Pakistan.

Novel test to predict breast cancer metastasis

Novel test to predict breast cancer metastasisWashington, Mar 28 : Researchers from NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center have identified a new marker that may lead to the development of a novel test to predict breast cancer metastasis.

The research team has identified a marker called TMEM, for Tumor Microenvironment of Metastasis, density of which is associated with the development of distant organ metastasis via the bloodstream - the most common cause of death from breast cancer.

Dolly Parton anxious over Broadway show

Dolly Parton anxious over Broadway showWashington, Mar 28 : American country music singer Dolly Parton has revealed that she is a bundle of nerves pending the debut of her Broadway musical `9 TO 5'.

Parton, 63, who wrote the score for the production, had received rave reviews when the stage version of her hit 1980 movie 9 To 5 opened in Los Angeles last year.

But now she admits that she is a little anxious ahead of its upcoming New York run, which begins on April 7.

Coldplay planning career break after current world tour

Coldplay planning career break after current world tourWashington, Mar 28 : British rock band `Coldplay' are mulling over a career break once their current world tour gets over.

The band want to go for a complete sound change before they head back into the studio to record the follow-up to their 2008 album Viva La Vida Or Death And All His Friends.

Johnny Buckland, the band's guitarist, hopes that the break will keep their fans from getting tired of them and their music.

Pope John Paul II''s views on nudity behind Joanna Krupa’s frequent disrobing

Pope John Paul II''s views on nudity behind Joanna Krupa’s frequent disrobingWashington, March 28 : Polish-born ''Sexiest Swimsuit Model'' Joanna Krupa has revealed what makes her so comfortable removing her clothes-Pope John Paul II''s views on nudity.

"I think worrying about going topless in a photo shoot or film is really ridiculous. And the fact is Pope John Paul said, since we were born naked, it is art, and it''s just showing a beautiful body that God created," FOXNews. com quoted her as saying.

Jamie Kennedy’s full frontal nude scene

Jamie Kennedy’s full frontal nude sceneWashington, Mar 28 : Americ
