
Madoff's lawyer says alleged fraudster will plead guilty Thursday

Madoff's lawyer says alleged fraudster will plead guilty Thursday Washington  - Bernard Madoff, whose alleged 50-billion-dollar investment fraud undermined individual and institutional investors around the globe, is to plead guilty this week, his lawyer said Tuesday.

The lawyer, Ira Sorkin, made the remarks at a federal court hearing in New York, Bloomberg financial news agency reported. The news confirmed reports from last week that Madoff was expected to enter a guilty plea.

Obama sets stage for pollution limits with new reporting rule

Obama sets stage for pollution limits with new reporting rule Washington  - The United States will ask companies to report on their greenhouse-gas emissions that are blamed for global warming, setting the stage for government-imposed limits on climate pollution supported by President Barack Obama and long resisted by his predecessor.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Tuesday said it will ask most major polluting firms to submit annual reports on their emissions levels beginning with 2010.

Guantanamo detainees admit to 9/11 plot

Guantanamo detainees admit to 9/11 plotWashington  - Five detainees at Guantanamo Bay accused of planning the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks have filed a document taking pride in the assault that killed nearly 3,000 people.

In the document released Tuesday by the Pentagon, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the alleged mastermind of the attacks, and four co- defendants took responsibility for the attacks and claimed they were carrying out God's will.

Bernanke seeks broad changes to US financial regulation

Bernanke seeks broad changes to US financial regulation Washington - Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on Tuesday outlined a broad overhaul of how US financial institutions should be regulated, calling on policymakers to begin remaking the system even as they battle the current economic downturn.

Bernanke said the focus should be on financial firms of "systemic" importance to the entire system and whose failure could lead to a complete collapse of the economy.

Obama links education reform to economic crisis

Obama links education reform to economic crisis Washington  - President Barack Obama said reforming the US education system was critical to the long-term health of the country's economy as he outlined his reform plans in a policy speech Tuesday.

Obama, whose time has mostly been taken up with a deepening recession since he entered office in January, warned that suffering standards of education could not be ignored and threatened the United States' global standing over the long haul.

Miley Cyrus says she’s in no mood to reconcile with Nick Jonas

Miley Cyrus says she’s in no mood to reconcile with Nick JonasWashington, Mar 10: Popstar Miley Cyrus has set the record straight: she’s no mood to reconcile with ex-beau Nick Jonas because she is too happy with Justin Gatson.

Although, the ‘Hannah Montana’ actress, who dated Jonas for nearly 2 years, has revealed that she has no intentions of rekindling romance with him, she also stated in her memoir that she was heartbroken when the relationship ended - and describes the split as "the worst day of my life”.
