
Paltrow doubts Phoenix''s ‘hip-hop act’

Paltrow doubts Phoenix''s ‘hip-hop act’Washington, Mar 14  Gwyneth Paltrow suspects that Joaquin Phoenix''s plan to become a rapper is "a hoax".

The stunner cast doubt over her Two Lovers co-star's new ''music career'', telling MTV: "I''m not a hundred percent sure that that''s really going to be the case.

"I think that there might be some other explanation or something going on. I''m not quite sure what, but I can''t believe that he''s really going to quit forever to become a rapper. It seems odd."

‘Desperate’ Tom Hanks forced his way into son's new movie

‘Desperate’ Tom Hanks forced his way into son's new movieWashington, Mar 14: Hollywood actor Tom Hanks was so desperate to team up with his son Colin on the big screen that he actually forced his way into his son''s new movie.

The Oscar winner actor revealed that he was so impressed with the script for ''The Great Buck Howard'' that he decided he wanted to play his son’s dad whether he liked it or not, reports China Daily

A bit of booze is best for your bones

A bit of booze is best for your bonesWashington, Mar 14: While alcohol consumption has always been attributed to devastating effects on health, a new study has revealed that moderate consumption might make bones stronger in older adults.

An international team of experts headed by Katherine Tucker studied a cohort of older adults in the Framingham Offspring Study to determine an association between alcohol consumption and bone mineral density.

“Moderate alcohol consumption was shown to contribute to stronger bones (measured as hip and spine bone mineral density),” said ASN Spokesperson Stephanie Atkinson, PhD.

George Harrison''s son won surviving Beatles’ approval for rock band game

George Harrison''s son won surviving Beatles’ approval for rock band gameWashington, March 14 : George Harrison''s son Dhani has revealed that he helped convinced the surviving `The Beatles' members to give the green light to a new game inspired by the band.

Sir Paul MCCartney and Ringo Starr are generally against the use of their music for commercial projects.

They were, however, won over by a mock-up Harrison Jr. put together using his father's solo music.

The project finally got the go-ahead from McCartney, Starr and John Lennon''s widow Yoko Ono.

Men with ring fingers longer than indexes run faster

Men with ring fingers longer than indexes run fasterWashington, Mar 14: Men with ring fingers longer than their index fingers run faster, due to testosterone levels, says a new study.

Researchers from Southampton University have linked finger-length ratios to a host of things good and bad, from fertility and disease vulnerability to test scores and personality traits.

According to boffins, exposure to testosterone in the womb is behind the speedy kids and their finger-length ratios.

Surgeons announce world’s first successful transvaginal nephrectomy using intra-umbilical Tri-port

Surgeons announce world’s first successful transvaginal nephrectomy using intra-umbilical Tri-portWashington, March 14: Doctors at Instituto Medico La Floresta in Caracas, Venezuela, have successfully performed the world’s first live human transvaginal nephrectomy using the Tri-port multi-channel port supplied by Advanced Surgical Concepts Ltd.
