
Spanish police detain eight suspected of Islamist terrorism

Spanish police detain eight suspected of Islamist terrorism

Spain fears shortages as hauliers launch strike

Madrid  - Spanish haulage companies launched an indefinite strike Monday, sparking fears of shortages at markets, stores and petrol stations, media reported.

Spain authorizes extradition of Syrian arms dealer to US

spainMadrid - The Spanish government Friday authorized the extradition of Syrian arms dealer Monzer

Spain cancels Catalonia emergency water pipeline

SpainMadrid - The Spanish government Friday cancelled a controversial plan to build a 62-kilometre pipelin

Inventors of new materials win "Spanish Nobel"

Oviedo, Spain  - Five inventors of new materials Wednesday won the Prince of Asturias Prize, known as the "Spanish Nobel," in the category of scientific and technical investigation, the jury announ

Rains prompt cancellation of drought measures in north-east Spain

SpainBarcelona, Spain  - The north-eastern Spanish region of Catalonia on Tuesday partly lifted emergency
